October 5, 2015 – Construction activity at the Athletic Recreation Center site significantly increased during the month of September while the weather conditions were ideal. The following work was completed during the month of September, is currently in progress, or scheduled for completion within the next several weeks:
- Electrical subsurface conduit and light standard footing installation (In-progress)
- Building concrete foundations (Completed)
- Final demolition of existing parking lot (In-progress)
- Parking lot final subgrade preparation (In-progress)
- Parking lot curbs & gutter (95% Complete)
- Backfill parking lot curb islands
- Parking lot remaining storm sewer and field tile installation (In-progress)
- Parking lot gravel subbase (following final parking lot subgrade preparation)
- Site perimeter concrete sidewalks and drive aprons (In-progress)
- Parking lot brick paver delivery & installation (November)
- Precast concrete wall panels delivery & erection (November)
- Structure steel delivery & erection (December)