Strategic Plan
The Woodridge Park District has a long history of strategic comprehensive planning initiatives that provided periodic, well thought-out plans based on public input to help guide the Board in making rational decisions to achieve the District’s mission statement. The intent is to address the community’s park, recreational and leisure needs and demands to further improve the quality of one’s life. The successes of these plans were based on strategic common-sense decisions within a fiscally responsible framework.
The primary purpose of this Strategic Master Plan is to provide a blueprint for the future to guide the staff and Board of Park Commissioners in making strategic decisions in allocating limited resources in providing safe and superior programs, parks, and facilities that address the unmet recreational needs and priorities of the community in accordance with the District’s Mission Statement, Long Term Strategic Goals, Core Values and Annual Sub-Goals & Objectives. The plan also shall serve as an important planning and management tool in which to measure performance in meeting the community’s unmet needs regarding program services and capital improvements. The Strategic Master Plan is a dynamic plan that the staff and board must constantly reassess and revise to ensure the plan’s action strategies are responsive in meeting the changing needs of the community.
ANNUAL Achievements report
Aquatic & Recreation Reports
- 2023 Aquatic Report
- 2022 Recreation Report
- 2021 Recreation Report
- May 2020-December 2020 Recreation Report
- May 2019-April 2020 Recreation Report
- May 2018-April 2019 Recreation Report:
Program & Event Survey Results
- 2023 ARC Fitness Member Survey
- 2023 ARC Track Member Survey
- 2023 Swim Lesson Survey
- 2023 Cypress Cove Season Pass Holder Survey
- 2023 Adventure Camp Survey
- 2023 Trek & Travel Camp Survey
- 2023 Spring Woodridge Soccer Association Survey
- 2023 Winter/Spring Sports League Survey
- 2023 Winter/Spring General Programs Survey
2021 Meadowview School Playground Replacement Survey
2017 Community Survey Overview & Results
Approximately every 5-8 years the Park District completes a valid comprehensive assessment process of park and recreation services by conducting a statistically valid satisfaction/needs assessment survey. The previous community survey was completed in 2009. The results of the 2017 Community Survey provide valuable resident feedback and information that is used in part to help guide the Board and Staff in making strategic decisions in determining goals for the District that will address documented park and recreational needs in order to further improve the quality of life for Woodridge residents. These goals, strategies and initiatives will be incorporated into the District’s new five-year 2021-2025 Strategic Master Plan approved in June 2021.
The community survey was conducted by Ron Vine & Associates with the assistance of RRC Associates a recognized leader in consumer intelligence and strategic market research for the tourism and recreation industries. Collaboration with resident, staff, and Park Board focus groups were completed in September 2017 to assist in developing questions for the survey. The survey questionnaire was completed and distributed by means of a random sampling equally distributed by mail to 5,500 Woodridge households throughout the community in November 2017.
2009 Needs Assessment Overview & Results
The Woodridge Park District launched a comprehensive park and recreation needs assessment process. With the help of Leisure Vision, a recreational assessment consultant, the park district began the assessment process in September by facilitating public focus groups and community leader stakeholder interviews. These one-on-one and small group interviews helped the park district identify needs within the community to develop a comprehensive and interest recreation survey.
The needs assessment survey addressed household resident attitudes and opinions for a wide variety of issues impacting the successful delivery of parks and recreation services, such as usage and satisfaction with current parks, open space and facilities, customer service, marketing information; current activities and programming participation, etc. The survey was distributed by means of a random sampling equally distributed by mail throughout the community.
The Board of Park Commissioners used the information from the focus groups, stakeholder interviews and needs assessment survey in developing long-range planning strategies and initiatives. These strategies and initiatives were incorporated into the new 2010-2014 Comprehensive Financial and Capital Development Plan approved in fall 2010.